
#7 Breaking News English Lesson: X

Elon Musk to Remove Blocking Feature on X Level 6 Summary The article discusses Elon Musk's decision to remove the blocking feature on X (formerly Twitter), except for direct messages. This decision has faced criticism from some users who believe the blocking feature is essential for maintaining safety and preventing harassment on the platform. Critics suggest that addressing issues like bots and spam should be a priority before removing blocking features. I Think I think there should continue to be a blocking function on Twitter, because if you think about it, if there is no blocking function, there will be a lot of harassing messages. I think this is a very scary thing.

BBC News : North Korea sending Russia military equipment, US claims

BBC News : North Korea sending Russia military equipment, US claims BBC News : North Korea sending Russia military equipment, US claims North Korea sending Russia military equipment, US claims Pyongyang supplied up to 1,000 containers of "equipment and munitions" in recent weeks, officials said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67109719 Word military equipment: 軍事裝備 accused: 指責 被告 munitions: 彈藥 potential: 潛在 cooperation: 合作 artillery shells: 砲彈 replenish: 補充 rockets: 火箭 invasion: 入侵 consistently: 始終如一地 condemn: 譴責 illegitimate: 非法的 allies, ally: 盟國 short-term boost: 短期提升 depleted: 消耗 ceremony: 儀式 budget row: 爭議預算 House of Representatives: 眾議院 US intelligence agencies: 美國情報局 UN Security Council: 聯合國安全理事會 Russian Defence Minister: 俄羅斯國防部長 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM): 洲際彈道飛彈 Democrats and Republicans: 民主黨 共和黨

Docker error on macOS m2

Assignment #2 6 Minute English: Should we fear chatbots?

  Plausible 詞性 : adj. (形容詞) 定義 : 合理的,可信的。 指一倀倀觀點或說法看起來合理或可信。 例句 : A plausible person appears to be honest and telling the truth, even if they are not. (一倀倀似是而非的人看起來誠實且在說真話,即使事實並非如此。) Predict 詞性 : v. (動詞) 定義 : 預測。指根據已有資訊或資料來預測未來事件或趨勢。 例句 : Scientists predict that there will be a significant increase in global temperatures in the coming decades. (科學家預測未來幾十年內全球溫度將顯著上升。) Cognitive 詞性 : adj. (形容詞) 定義 : 認知的,心智的。涉及到思考、知覺和理解的,通常用於描述與思考和智力相關的事物。 例句 : Cognitive development in children is crucial for their learning and problem-solving abilities. (兒童的認知發展對於他們的學習和解決問題的能力至關重要。) Overtake 詞性 : v. (動詞) 定義 : 超越,超過。 指在某倀倀方面或方面上超越或超越某人或某物。 例句 : The athlete trained hard to overtake his competitors and win the race. (這名運動員努力訓練,超越競爭對手並贏得比賽。) Primed 詞性 : adj. (形容詞) 定義 : 做好準備,預先準備好。 指事先準備好或激發某事或某人以做某事。 例句 : The team was primed for success with thorough preparation and a winning attitude. (該團隊透過充分準備和勝利的態度已經做好成功的準備。)

self introduction

  Hello, I'm Walle, a 19-year-old born in Taipei City. I am currently a student at NTUB IMD (National Taipei University of Business - Department of Information Management and Design) and also work as a part-time employee at Duotify. In my free time, I have two main passions that keep me occupied. First and foremost, I am deeply interested in fitness, and you'll often find me at the gym, working hard to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Additionally, I have a strong affinity for programming and coding. I enjoy the challenges and creative problem-solving that come with writing code, and it's something I'm constantly working to improve upon. These pursuits not only provide me with a sense of personal fulfillment but also help me develop valuable skills that I can apply to my studies and work. I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who share my interests and ambitions.